How GroupL Global Provides Upward Mobility

Our goal is to connect foreign talent with employers that desperately need them building relationships that are mutually beneficial and promote the growth of the business.

Above all, we are committed to making sure that the chances we offer job seekers help them improve their life through upward mobility.

What is upward mobility? 

There are various definitions of upward mobility, but they all relate to the event of rising to a more comfortable social and economic statuses.

Our aim is to provide foreign talent with upward mobility aligns closely with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, especially those that support consistent, equitable, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. 

How is GroupL Global providing opportunities for upward mobility? 

Refugees and new immigrants face various barriers when it comes to securing employment – and by extension, achieving upward mobility. For example, this includes: 

  • Job Seeking Barriers.
  • Language Barriers
  • Housing Barriers.
  • Pre-existing Biases

Job Seeking Barriers. 

Refugees and new immigrants are often incredibly active job seekers once they have obtained the relevant paperwork and a work permit. However, a combination of biases and setbacks often means that they end up in positions they would otherwise be overqualified for. For example, a recent Forbes study found that “over one-third of highly educated immigrants in employment are overqualified for their jobs.” 

When they take on these roles, they are often doing so out of a desire to provide for themselves and their family. They feel as though certain doors are already closed to them. 

At GroupL Global, we hope to eradicate this issue by partnering with a range of companies across all industries – including businesses such as your own. This process comes with many benefits – especially as it means that skilled workers are given the chance to shine in the industries that need them. Furthermore, this boosts job satisfaction rates, which allows businesses to grow and develop. 

Language Barriers. 

Most workplaces require talent that are English-speaking. While proficiency levels can vary, this requirement is often put in place to allow smooth and easy communication among team members. As a result, it is particularly important in high-pressure or dangerous environments, such as construction or building sites. 

To eliminate language barriers, we provide our jobseekers with English placement test. Again, this opens them up to more opportunities in the workplace, as they’re able to apply for more varied positions. This can also work towards upward mobility as English-speaking individuals can make 5%–20% more money per hour than those who are not.

Housing Barriers.

One of the biggest roadblocks and concerns that new immigrants face in Europe is finding suitable housing for themselves and their families. After all, there are many factors at play here. They want to find a space that is safe, with a strong sense of community. This helps them feel at home, even though they may be very far from the life they knew previously. Sometimes, access to nice housing or living spaces can limit their job search as they become tethered to a certain place or property – even if there aren’t many opportunities in that area.

we hope to eradicate housing struggles and make it easier for new immigrants to find a job and a house that meets their needs by providing them with three valid housing options to consider. This housing is always within 45 minutes from their work and is priced at no more than 30% of their total net income budget. 

Once they’ve selected a property that meets their needs, one of our dedicated and friendly operations managers will talk them through the rest of the process. For example, while we do not cover or subsidize housing costs, we can make it possible for new immigrants to rent out properties without credit scores. This takes a lot of the stress out of moving to a new place, so the candidates can focus their full attention on their work without worrying about accommodation. 

Pre-existing biases. 

One of the biggest roadblocks that foreign talent face is due to pre-existing biases or misinformation. For example, employees may be hesitant to hire foreign talent as they believe the process will take too long. However, as our services are incredibly streamlined, many job seekers on our platform can start work quickly. This gives foreign talent the opportunity to excel by ensuring they get their foot through the door.

Once they join your team, you’re sure to see what an asset they are to your company. 

Get in touch today to find out more. Email us at or visit our website.


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